Sunday, April 20, 2008

New York Here I Come!!

So I've had the tickets for 2 months, been planning things to do & see for 1 month, been packing for 1 week .. and now the day I leave is here!

Of course I thought I had it all planned out perfectly despite a small glitch when I asked to return on the 19th and she said the closest available was the 21st. I figured, ok I get off the plane, quick shower and off to watch the Champions League final. Then two days ago (yes two days .. having the tickets two months doesn't mean I actually looked at them!), I checked the ticket and saw that I actually land on the 22nd!!!

And I had the mother of all nervous breakdowns!!!!!!

Then I calmed down and realised that I don't be in the air during the game due to the time difference. So I'll watch Liverpool win it .. rush to the airport .. and celebrate on free wine courtesy of British Airways. Oh well, I wish I could have been with my mates at the club for that, but no use thinking about that now!

So anyway the day is here and so is that feeling in the pit of my stomach .. sort of excited & anxious at the same time you know. Well of course you don't know, you're not me. There might not even be a you .. no-one might be reading this. So why am I rambling on. Well, to stay awake really! It's easier to stay up than go to sleep and wake up. Of course I had an overdose of my friend caffeine.

I better stop this now cause I just remembered I have to set my video recorder and write a couple of emails before I start my make-up and then I'll be offff!!

1 comment:

Cristoforo said...

Bibbja ktibt wkoll!!!

Anqas kelma..